4 definitions by ryandoe11

"Wow have you heard of that OFL Static kid? He owned are whole team by himself!"
by ryandoe11 October 26, 2008
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Another phone used by drug dealers, to avoid the phone tapping by the government on their primary cell phone.
Yo hit me up on my Crack Phone if you want that chronic!
by ryandoe11 April 3, 2011
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Jumping from friend to friend hapily sleeping on their couches. An individual who relys on friends to stay and sleep at. They usually have a home and family to go to but they want to get away. These people are usually very good at begging their friends to do things for them.
"keith is very good at couch jumping, he hasnt been at his house for weeks now."
by ryandoe11 February 22, 2015
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The little orange fish from the snack, "Goldfish" Named FINN for no certain reason.
Yo, you want some goldfish? Finn's been chillin here for a couple weeks!

-Shit! Yeah pass that over brotha!
by ryandoe11 September 12, 2011
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