16 definitions by rpetras


To fight off sleep for no good reason when tired.

The baby was very tired but continued to krista sleep for an hour.
by rpetras April 20, 2008
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A scraggly untended beard that looks like you have been hiding from society for month writing your manifesto.
Person 1: What the hell died on Carl's face?
Person 2: Oh, that? He's just growing a manifesto beard.


You could tell the unabomber was dangerous because he had a manifesto beard.
by rpetras February 23, 2010
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A skirt so short, that if the wind blows you would hear a whistle.
Guy#1: I can't believe that chick would wear that whistle skirt to work!

Guy#2: Are you complaining?!?!?!

Guy#1: No. No I'm not.
by rpetras May 8, 2010
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1. A thing or situation that is unimportant, but when it is performed incorrectly, it is disturbing to the viewer.

2. Doing something the wrong way, when there is no right or wrong way.

Comes from resting a hamburger on a bun upsidedown after taking a bite.
Hanging the toilet paper the wrong way is like an upsidedown sandwich to Bill.
by rpetras May 14, 2008
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A particularly large use of Retroactive Continuity (retcon) in which the very nature of an entire universe, usually a fictional universe, is changed.

Any revision to a story in which essential details, and established facts are altered in such a way that nothing which has come before is sacred.

Named for the propensity of DC Comics to rewrite the history of their comic universe every few years to fix mistakes in writing, or to update characters and situations that have been stated in the intervening years.
Johnny originally told me he was at Greg's house last night, then he hit the DC Reset Button on that and owned up he was out with Sheila.

Han shooting first was Lucas' worst offense when he hit the DC Reset Button in the original Star Wars trilogy.
by rpetras July 14, 2011
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When a person does not wash their hands after urinating they receive a yellow card. Similar to a warning in sports.
Brent got yellow carded because he is a disgusting douche bag and didn't wash after whizzing.
by rpetras June 10, 2008
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The shallow, warm kiddie pool at the public pool or swim club.

Specifically, the water in the kids' pool.
I took Jr. to the local pool and he wanted to play in the diaper tea.

I was watching my kid at the kiddie pool when some little jerk splashed me with diaper tea.
by rpetras April 19, 2010
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