5 definitions by rockeroverhere

adjective. used to describe something that is cool, or cutting edge.
that new CD was totally edge!
by rockeroverhere July 18, 2006
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to recuperate and return after a defeat.

to get up after a fall.

to have some hard shit happen to you, but you come back in the end no worse for the wear.
ben: aiden got in a car accident a few months ago. really banged him up.

sara: how's he doing now?

ben: well, he was able to bounce back pretty good.
by rockeroverhere July 30, 2006
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when a parent of a child (usually aged 2 months-2 yrs. old), straps their kid onto the front of them with one of those "baby carriers", resulting in the child looking extremely uncomfortable with their arms and legs sticking straight out... like a starfish.
christy: "look at that poor starfish baby!"

by rockeroverhere July 24, 2006
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someone who likes to think of themself as "non-conformist." tries out new things. lives "on the edge."

adj: edgy
kid 1: omg! have you seen roxy's new haircut?

kid 2: yeah! what an edger.
by rockeroverhere July 18, 2006
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someone who likes to think of themself as "non-conformist." tries out new things. lives "on the edge."

adj: edgy
kid 1: omg! have you seen roxy's new haircut?

kid 2: yeah! what an edger.
by rockeroverhere July 19, 2006
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