3 definitions by rightabouteverything

Pill all the major drug companies are trying to either develop/get approved to boost female libido. Pink because viagra is known as "the little blue pill". Think of all the money some company will make if they can get a drug approved.
pink pill libido little pink pill little blue pill blue pill viagra
by rightabouteverything July 26, 2010
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A horse breed that was created by some really smart old guys who realized they got more money for their littler ponies vs. the bigger ones. In 1978 the American Miniature Horse Association was formed (AMHA) to promote the "breed". Now these horses look like replicas of the larger horses breeds...Very very cool and fun but not good for much but winning ribbons, doing tricks, having babies, crapping all over the yard or pulling little carts. Bet you can't own just one. Suckers who get caught up own lots of them.
AMHA mini horse miniature horse equine little horse
by rightabouteverything July 26, 2010
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-Euphoric state of delusional existence where interested parties of either sex exhibit behavior thru their actions and affections that outwardly and overtly demonstrate their desire to win the attention and affection of another. The collective efforts of a pattern of swarming can occasionally be a bit overwhelming to the receipent but generally not frightening, often flattering when done right but always ends in one or more of the swarmers getting an invitation to move on to the the level after swarming, (aka dating and more).
Example: Since her divorce Mary has been the pleasant receipent of an unusaual high degree of swarming activity. Mary is extremely flattered and assessing on a case by case basis her swarming offers.
Another example is: John who since he became a widower has decided that in his world there will be "No swarming allowed!" John wants to find his own next relationship.
by rightabouteverything January 16, 2011
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