2 definitions by riggae

Myv-kei, also Miyavi-kei, is the style in which all visual kei artists attempt to look like Miyavi by styling themselves after him either by getting a lipring or just plain remodeling their faces so they can be a clone of him.

Word is inspired by the fact that when flipping through an issue of Cure Magazine, you see so many people that look like Miyavi.
Did you see that one guy? He's another victim to Miyavi-kei.
by riggae August 3, 2005
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Gacktard; noun- 1.) A word refering to an idiot who is completely in love with Gackt and is willing to defend him from any insults, even if it is just a minor one. 2.) An obssessive fan of JRock or Visual kei who writes in Engrish or any other form of English that makes no sense and completely abuses his or her exclaimation marks, often mixing them up with '1'. 3.) An idiot.
1.) That gacktard bit me when I said that Gackt looked like a woman from behind!

2.) I was at a forum when a gacktard corrected me for mispelling 12012.

3.) That guy is such a gacktard for running outside without his pants on.
by riggae August 3, 2005
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