6 definitions by rice4lyfeinda415

A term abbreviated for Prick for Life.

See Prick for Life for further clarification
Guy 1: Dayum that Kyle is such a silly pfl!
Guy 2: What he do this time?
Guy 1: He dumped his spankin' hot girlfriend to go hook up with Adam's mom!
Guy 2: Dang...prick for life!
by rice4lyfeinda415 July 24, 2009
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A viscous, black, or gooey substance found on floors. It is the result of substances mixing together like dirt, gum, and food crumbs. When stepped upon, a sticky residue is left upon your shoe.

When examined closely, cat jizz, and cat ejaculation smell, feel, and taste very similar.
Guy 1: Dude! What did you just step in?
Guy 2: Ehh, probably some gum, no worries my good man, I'll just scrap this nasty shit off.
Guy 1: Why is that gum black?
Guy 2: Dayum! You're right, this must be cat jizz, damn not again!
by rice4lyfeinda415 March 16, 2009
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Used when someone does something really stupid. It is also used when someone, who is really slow, realizes something after a long time contemplating over it.

Can also be shortened by an abbreviated term gg.
Guy 1: Your momma so poor she has to use coupons at the 99 cent store!
Guy 2: *long pause, maybe 3 minutes*
Guy 1: Do you need me to repeat that for you?
Guy 2: OH! AHAHA nice one, I get it.
Guy 1: Wow good going dude...

Guy 1: What are you doing, you can't turn the TV on, when the remote is pointing at you.
Guy 2: Oh I didn't even realize it was pointing at me.
Guy 1: GG
by rice4lyfeinda415 March 18, 2009
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Someone who is and always will be a prick.
Also can be used as PFL, an abbreviated term.

See prick for further clarification.
Guy 1: Dayum that Kyle is such a silly pfl!
Guy 2: What he do this time?
Guy 1: He dumped his spankin' hot girlfriend to go hook up with Adam's mom!
Guy 2: Dang...prick for life!
by rice4lyfeinda415 March 12, 2009
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A delicate pastry topped with a white creme substance, usually jizz.

Customer: Hey you guys got any jizzem sandwiches?
Fast Food Cashier: Uhm, can you describe them to me?
Customer: Sure, its some bread with cream.
Fast Food Cashier: Nah playa, don't think we got those anymore.
Customer: Aite, no problem just going to make some at home then.
by rice4lyfeinda415 March 15, 2009
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SD, referring to the phrase small dick. Obviously someone nicknamed SD has a small dick. It can be used literally, or as an insult.
Guy 1: What's up SD?
Guy 2: I hate it when you call me that.
Guy 1: But it's true, can't deny the truth!

Guy 1: That Jason is such a SD.
Guy 2: For reals!
by rice4lyfeinda415 May 7, 2009
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