6 definitions by revscrj

An American who has been unemployed for so long that they have given up hope for finding employ and are often mired in deep to suicidal depression.
I'm really worried about Bob. He won't answer my emails... I fear since he got laid off that he's joined the ranks of the American'ts.
by revscrj April 6, 2013
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A combination of wanker and gangsta. One who is emulating the mannerisms of African-American urban street culture poorly. Typically used to describe a teenage rural caucasion amateur rap artist with little to no talent; though it is not implicitly race, age, or geographically limited.
Skeeter: So Jeff- I mean 'MC White-out', my bad- hows life in Kansas as a newly emerged wankster?

Je...- MC White-Out: Aw dawg why you doin' me like that? Sheeet mang, word.
by revscrj June 29, 2013
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Abbr. for Peace Love Unity and Respect.
A motto of rave collectives in California during the mid to late 1990's.
Practice PLUR, preach PLUR, be PLUR-al and you're on your way to a better world brother- now shut up and dance.
by revscrj April 6, 2013
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1.A comedic musician that makes others feel at ease.

Tends to form bonds that will be severed when those

bonds are not giving him more than he is returning.

2.To turn one's back on a good friend in their most

critical time of need.
1. It was all good when I was paying, but as soon as I ran out of money he was gone- pulled a total Brandon on me!

2. He got diagnosed with cancer and I was like "yeah thats just what I need to be dealing with" so I just gave him a Brandon.
by revscrj April 5, 2013
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1. A person who uses the internet* to accumulate totally random, unbalanced, often overly advanced masses of information with no regard to complete understanding of a subject.

*prior to the internet they used libraries, but the definition has been updated so that those who use libraries are referred to as 'slomads'

2. A person who devoted so much time to learning a single subject that they cannot function in the world.
1. Tim could tell you the current theories about string theory, recite Blake, and nanotechnology advances; so long as you didn't probe his knowledge too deeply you would think he was a genius rather than a knowmad.

2. In the years I have know Tim I cant recall him ever appearing anything but confused if we weren't talking about physics- total knowmad.
by revscrj June 24, 2015
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The act of a non-Jew making a faux Pas regarding Jewish customs and practices in front of orthodox Jews.
"Moshe? Remember when Skeeter asked Ezikiel if there was any bacon to go with the eggs? "

"Hahaha- total goy-doy!"
by revscrj April 6, 2013
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