4 definitions by ratpact4life

One who comes and visits you in the middle of the night. Just as you're about to fall asleep he sprinkles his dirty dust in your eye and precedes to have anal intercourse with you until you drift off to sleep in a pleasurable manner.
"Dude what's that in your eye?"
"Oh it's just dirty dust, the Dirty Night Night Fairy came and got me last night just before I fell asleep."
"Nice bro, dirty dust for life."
by ratpact4life December 30, 2011
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A rapid way to cleanse oneself when there isn’t enough time to take a regular shower. This includes re-applying deodorant, changing out underwear and socks, and wiping your ass with a moist wet wipe.
There simply wasn’t enough time after my 12 hour work day before dinner with my in-laws. I took a Tennessee Shower and 30 seconds later I was out the door!
by ratpact4life March 8, 2022
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Halfway through taking a shit, one simply wipes their ass with a moist baby wipe in between pushing out turds. This wipe helps minimize the mess and reapplies lubricant for a cleaner poop. When combined with the pre-wipe method you are defecating at maximum cleanliness.
After eating two Chipotle burritos I felt the need to birth a brown monster in the toilet. Two flushes later I quickly realized I wasn’t anywhere close to being finished. I reassessed the situation at hand and with a quick mid-wipe I was back in control on my throne. I pushed out one remaining turd with ease and continued the rest of my day.
by ratpact4life March 13, 2022
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Using a moist baby wipe to swab the anus before taking a poop. A pre-wipe is primarily used to lubricate the anus for a more efficient and cleaner poop. The wipe can also be dropped into the toilet bowl after the swab to reduce back splash from the turds dropping into the bowl.
"Hey I'll be back in 20 minutes, I need to go clear this Indian food outta me." "Sounds good babe, don't forget to pre-wipe before letting it loose. You don't wanna have to shower again before we go out tonight." "Thanks for the reminder! Clean as a whistle!"
by ratpact4life October 1, 2018
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