16 definitions by quignugget

When someone is intoxicated to the extreme. Can be off alcohol, weed, other drugs, or a combination of any of them.
Dude, I had 15 beers then hit the bong so hard. I was all sorts of fucked up.
by quignugget June 30, 2010
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Down to fuck anything that walks. A ridiculously horny mindstate in which someone is willing to have sex with just about anything at anytime, anywhere.
"Dude, you haven't gotten laid in months. You must be DTFATW."

"Of course, I'd even do that 400lb'er over there."
by quignugget January 13, 2010
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the texting abbreviation for:

1) my kind of party

2) my kind of place
Joe: Shud we come to the party? (text)

Rick: Yeah dude, its sick. MKOP
by quignugget March 12, 2010
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A specific group in your phone dedicated to numbers that you would call late on a night to try to get a booty call. Sort of short for booty call call list. This may include hot or ugly girls - anything that will get the job done when desperate.
I drunk texted my entire booty call list last night. Rachel was the only one that responded. She's ugly, but, whatever.
by quignugget April 26, 2010
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The sawdust-like material accumulating at the bottom of the cereal bag. It is often poured on top of the last bowl of cereal, by accident, as you always forget it is going to be there. Cereal sawdust is not pleasant.
I woke up this morning and poured some cereal. Not much left in the box, just a few flakes and then a ton of cereal sawdust. I was pissed.
by quignugget July 2, 2010
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"Yeah Mark is wicked smart, they gave him a huge scholarship, he's practically going to Harvard for the donut."
by quignugget May 23, 2010
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The overwhelming scent given off by a girl who wears way too much perfume after entering a room.
Dude, who was in your room? It smells like someone set off a chlo-bomb in there!
by quignugget December 16, 2009
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