16 definitions by queensburykid

The STD clinic director and gay activists deny any correlation between gay anal sex and monkeypox cases.
Monkeypox denial: The STD clinic director and gay activist declared that there is no correlation between gay anal sex and the rise of monkeypox cases. They assert that homosexuals rarely get STDs and that the heterosexuals are responsible. The funeral directors thanked them for their profitable business.
by queensburykid August 23, 2022
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Jiberish spread by morons and idiots
Dr. Dyke and Dr. Bendover earned their PhDs in Queer and Feminist theories. They applied to all the liberal colleges and universities in the United States. They got professorship jobs at Sarah Lawrence College, and they produced an endless horde of welfare queens with huge student loans. Their welfare queens screamed for a government bail out.
by queensburykid July 30, 2022
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The biggest concentration of HIV cases on the East Coast.
San Francisco corners the West Coast HIV market. Every year the Disney Faggot Week becomes the East Coast top HIV spot. The most popular ride is the Rock Hudson HIV Space Mountain ride. It goes backwards.
by queensburykid August 15, 2023
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When a trannie "woman" prison inmate gets two other females prisoners pregnant in a female prison.
The trannie woman prisoner was gender confused who "she" got two other female pregnant.
by queensburykid July 31, 2022
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Big Bubba's prison bitch rentals in all the state prisons
Big Bubba's prison bitchs unlimited is the best prison bitch rental in the Texas state prison system. The skinny white child molester is the most in demand prison bitch until Leroy got too horny. Josh Duggar was Bubba's most prized piece of meat making Bubba a prison pimp millionaire. Poor Josh got every possible STD.
by queensburykid May 13, 2023
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A story about how ugly drag queens destroy mirrors
Mirror Mirror on the wall who is ugliest drag queen? Mirror replies, "I can't lie all drag queens make people barf!" The mirror cracked after seeing the nasty drag queen. All American Drag queens were shipped to Moscow as a reward for Putin for his Trump support.
by queensburykid August 27, 2023
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When a group of mean faggots rape a beautiful young homo, then they find their victim's positive HIV test form while robbing their victim.
Larry, John, and three other faggots rape Andy, the young homo, moving into their homo neighborhood. They rob Andy only to Andy's HIV positive test form. All the butt Pirates die eventually. Hollywood makes a gripping movie about it called The Homo's Revenge: One asshole too far!
by queensburykid October 17, 2022
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