15 definitions by qbdkusoemv

A term for the interlocking systems of oppression that form the basis of modern society and define the prevailing social order. In short, it is the status quo.
Activist: The only solution to our woes is the abolition of imperialist white supremacist capitalist heteropatriarchy.
by qbdkusoemv August 12, 2017
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A naive (and typically uneducated) person who has fallen prey to the media's anti-Muslim smear campaign waged by the elite in a calculated effort to dehumanize people sitting atop a geostrategic oil-rich land and thereby manufacture consent for imperial wars in the region. In other words, it is a useful idiot who can always be counted on to rally around the flag against the enemy du jour.

These sad, insecure people are not interested in discovering the truth. Indeed, the vast majority of them have never personally met a Muslim, nor have they made any attempt to educate themselves on Islam's rich history and culture. Instead, they are solely interested in feeling morally superior and will thus only seek out information that confirms their anti-Muslim beliefs whilst tuning out all facts and evidence to the contrary. Muslims simply provide an easy scapegoat on which they can pin their problems and project their personal flaws and wrongdoings.
Islamophobes will endlessly shriek about false rape allegations and then turn around and falsely accuse all Muslims of rape.
by qbdkusoemv December 11, 2017
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An imaginary projection of the anti-feminist male. All the characteristics ascribed to these mythical feminazis - hatred of the opposite sex, a lust for power and domination, a feeling of superiority, a sense of entitlement, physical repulsiveness and morbid obesity, etc. - in actuality, apply to the anti-feminist males who invented and circulate the term.
Woman: Rape is not OK.
by qbdkusoemv December 1, 2019
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Everyday verbal or nonverbal slights or insults, whether intentional or unintentional, which communicate derogatory messages that target people based solely upon their marginalized group membership.
Examples of microaggressions:

White person: "You don't act like a normal black person."
Black person: "What do you mean?"
White person: "You're just so intelligent and well-spoken. You just don't act like the rest of them."
Black person: "The rest of them?"
White person: "No, I didn't mean it like that. It's really a compliment."

Straight person: "So which one of you is the woman?"
Gay person #1: "What?"
Straight person: "Which one is the woman in the relationship?"
Gay person #2: "Um... neither one of us. We're both men."

Male: "What are you studying?"
Female: "Physics."
Male: "Huh? Oh, you want to be a teacher!"
Female: "No, I want to be a physicist."
Male: "Are you sure? That's a difficult job. I don't think you're fit for it."
by qbdkusoemv August 13, 2016
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A pejorative term for people who acknowledge the existence of racism, sexism, homophobia and other forms of bigotry. It was created by insecure straight white cisgender men who are terrified of losing their privileged status and preferential treatment in society as well as their ability to treat women and minorities like pieces of trash with public approval.
Person #1: I don't think it's OK to kill a man just because he's black.
by qbdkusoemv December 1, 2019
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Shorthand for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, pansexual, 2-spirited, asexual, and allies. This is the proper acronym for the queer community.
Person 1: "I support LGBT rights."
Person 2: "The correct acronym is LGBTQQIP2SAA. Please try to be all-inclusive."
by qbdkusoemv December 17, 2016
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A loose association of anti-racist groups who engage in popular resistance to fascism. Antifa members recognize the state's refusal to take action against fascist violence and are thus forced to take matters into their own hands to protect their communities.

Antifa members are historically literate and have studied how European fascists used free speech and free assembly as weapons to seize control of their governments and ultimately do away with such liberties. They understand that Nazism and fascism are fundamentally violent, dictatorial ideologies that must be squashed and will exhaust all nonviolent means before resorting to defensive violence.

The establishment vilifies Antifa groups as "terrorists" precisely because they challenge the white supremacist social order and frustrate the ability of white supremacists to use racial minorities as punching bags.
Cornell West: "If it hadn’t been for antifa protecting us (black Charlottesville clergymembers) from the fascists, we would've been crushed like cockroaches."
by qbdkusoemv December 1, 2019
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