63 definitions by psiscott

a male homosexual fag faggot gay gayboy fudgepacker ass fucker queen Sometimes used in a comedic setting with one's friends.
Max: "Hey, could you bring a two-four with you when you come...oh ya, and a bottle of Cognac"
Scott: "I don't think so you fuckin' bonesmoker, buy your own fix!"

Guy on the street (sees a guy roller blading wearing a pink vale and white tutu): "Look at that fucking bonesmoker!!"
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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Beautiful cottage country in south-central Ontario, Canada. Made 'famous' by such Hollywood stars as Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn and Tom Hanks and others.
Once a place of peace and quiet, respectfully tainted with the noise of summer-fun including boating, water skiing, tubing, and just about any other outdoor activity - other than HUNTING!
The original cottages were a place to escape to from the rat-race of the stinky city - mainly the city of Toronto.
Once this land was 'discovered' by certain high-profile people, rich pricks decided it was 'trendy' and 'necessary' to purchase land or a cottage there so as to look upwardly-mobile. This has degraded Muskoka by making it unrealistically expensive for the average layman to purchase; and unmanagable for those who first set their cottage roots there, due to higher taxes and anal newcomers.
Like the white-man raped the Native Americans' lands, so has the yuppie/rich prick raped Muskoka.
New Muskokan cottager:

Franchini: "Are we taking the Bentley and the Bichon to Muskoka this weekend Elsha?"
Elsha: "Well we may need the Bentley because Arthur is flying in from Eton. I think we should have Ramon watch the Bichon as you know Arthur just won't have anything to do with her shedding!"
Franchini: "Fine..fine..fine..Let Ramon watch the bitch and we shall enjoy Cognac with Arthur in Muskoka...I do hope the central air is on when we arrive and that the plumbers have installed the three 'bidets' in the main washrooms."

TRUE Muskokan cottager in the 70s:

Merv: "Did we get the coolers and sleeping bags all packed kids?"
Kids: "Yes daddy, and mommy made us some lunches 'cause we're hungry now and can't wait till we stop for our mid-trip snack. I hope the bunny's are there at the stop. Can we get our allowance now so we can buy some blackballs and bottlecaps daddy?"
Merv: "If you are good. Remember, its a long drive but at least we have this wagon now. Too bad we can't afford a plane to fly up and avoid the traffic." - laughing
Kids: "Yea, but at least we have a boat so we can ski and fish and stuff."
Merv: "That's true kids, good attitude."

by psiscott April 11, 2006
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A male homosexual A fag A man that likes to ride cock Hungry for cock bonesmoker fudgepacker
"I went to the can to take a leak and this fucking rod rider comes up to me and asks if he can cop a feel!"
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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A word often effiminitely mispronounced by elitists or pseudo-elitists, often faking, or using a real, British accent. The pronunciation of this word is: 'sKedyool' as opposed to the artsy and stupid: 'sHedyool.'
Proof of this finding is two fold. Firstly there is NO other commonly used, non-generic, English word which starts with 'sch' pronounced with the 'sh' sound. Secondly, any 'sh' word in the English language starts with those same two letters: 'sh' - for those reading this who pronounce 'schedule' 'sKedyool' I had to repeat the obvious!
'sh' words pronounced with the 'sh' sound:
shoe, shot, shit, should, sheik, shook, shoot, shew, shrew, shrewed, shell, she, shore, shone, shop, shall, sheep, sheen +++

Examples of 'sch' words pronounced with the 'sh' sound: ?

Examples of 'sch' words pronounced with the 'sk' sound:
school, schizophrenic, scheme, schematic, scholar, scholastic, schedule +++

Indeed there are words with the 'sh' sound which start with 'sch' but are derivitives or generic words from another language. Examples are: schnapps (Dutch), Schneider (German name), schnitzel (European cut of meat.)

In closing - to best exemplify this - try using the word 'schizophrenic' in a sentence using the 'sh' sound.

Max: *with a thick English accent* "I heard that Arthur's son does not attend Eton because he is a 'shitsophrenic.'
Scott: "Indeed he does not attend Eton; but not because he is a 'skitsophrenic' but because he doesn't want to be around assholes like you who pronounce 'skedyool' 'shedyool!"

by psiscott April 11, 2006
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This is the first of several films featuring Charles Bronson as Paul Kersey, a modern day urban equivalent of Robin Hood, Zorro, and the Lone Ranger. When initially released, Death Wish was immediately controversial as was Dirty Harry (1971). Audiences tended to be divided between those who were offended by what they considered to be excessive violence and those who (like Harry Callahan and Paul Kersey) had lost confidence in society's willingness and/or ability to respond effectively to violent crime.

When we first meet Kersey, he is in all respects a gentle man. A successful architect who is happily married to Joanna (Hope Lange) and a proud father of his beloved daughter, he is carefully positioned as a law-abiding citizen. After his wife and daughter are brutally attacked by thugs who escape punishment, Kersey commits himself to ridding the city of such crap. In fact, he seeks them out in the most likely areas (e.g. public parks and on subways), coldly and systematically killing as many as he can. Of course, other law abiding citizens are wholly supportive of his efforts but law enforcement officials fear the possible implications of such vigilantiism.

Directed by: Michael Winner
"I watched 'Death Wish' and after turning off the DVD, I wondered why there weren't more heroic vigilantes out there." Good work "Kersey!"
by psiscott April 10, 2006
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1) Extremely painful shit. A very painful dump. A long and painful act on the toilette. Generally caused by lack of fibre and waiting too long to shit. A shit which may require assistance, either medically, or with a rigid spoon-like excavation tool.

2) A term used amongst well known friends, and best not used just anywhere.
1) Scott: "What took you so long in my washroom guy, there aren't any magazines in there when you come over!"
Max: "Duuuude, I couldn't go, I was squirming and standing on my fucking toes squeezing and writhing in agony. It was like I was giving a shit birth. I had a serious ass ripper!!"
Scott: "AW fuck man, not again, I had to replace my toilette last time you used it!!!! Why don't you just go straight to the fucking sewage plant guy and hang over the septic pool before you come to visit!!"

2) Best not used location example-
Max: "I would like to toast the bride whom I have had some special moments with before today - especially last night - I digress, firstly I would like to apologize for my scratchy throat, I spent the last 5 minutes screaming in the can forcing out an extreme ass ripper!"
by psiscott April 10, 2006
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An aggressive asshole driver who decides that he is so much more important than everyone else in a traffic jam that he ducks out of traffic into the clear merging lane to overtake a few dozen cars, only to fuck up the traffic even more as he tries to get back in to the jammed traffic lane.
worst driver cunt asshole redneck punk shithead rice rocket street racer racer nitro
Jean is driving on a busy thoroughfare in LA when Click the aggressive driver jumps out of the curb lane - as a typical merge hopper does - onto the merge to pass 50 cars. Jean sees him coming in her rear view mirror, pulls out her 45 and blows the tires out of Click's car causing him to ditch. Click is okay, VERY LATE for work now, and no longer a threat to traffic for this particular day.
by psiscott April 9, 2006
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