3 definitions by prinsdi

That girl that will climb through ropes, rails, tables, and sometimes even men, just to score a free drink from your bottle.
Man! Did you see how fast that party monkey got to our table.
by prinsdi December 16, 2017
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The bump, bruise, scratch or cut you find on part of your body after a heavy night of partying but you have no recollection of how you got it. Its a Unidentified Party Sore
Look at this huge UPS on my thigh. I got it last night but have no clue how.
by prinsdi November 28, 2012
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After a long night of partying and you wake up delirious, thinking to yourself, "How much did I drink?". So you make a dry run through the house counting the empty liquor/beer bottles .
Woke up drunk. Had no idea what I had drank so I made a dry run through the house, WOW I had tequila!
by prinsdi October 25, 2014
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