7 definitions by poCkadotslotz

a place where your teachers tell you, that you are going to end up working at if you don't go to college. Which is sometimes not true because some celebrities didn't go to college and they're rich.
teacher:you need to go to college or you're going to end up working at mcdonalds
student: whatever
by poCkadotslotz March 16, 2010
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a place where your teachers tell you, you end up working at if you don't go to college. Which is sometimes not true because some celebrities didn't go to college and they're rich.
teacher:you need to go to college or you're going to end up working at mcdonalds
student: whatever
by poCkadotslotz March 16, 2010
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something that makes high school students like me get pissed off.
Question: what angles are congruent to <3?
Question:Name all the sumplementary angles in the problem
I hate geometry!!!!!
by poCkadotslotz March 25, 2010
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somthing that is serious and not calling someone at 3 a.m to ask you what to wear to a party thats in 13 more hours.
mandy: this is a emergency
mandy: so what should i wear to the party the blue or pink top.

kim: it's 3 in the morning, wear the blue top
mandy: thanks kim, you are the only one that didn't cuss me out and tell me to go back to sleep
kim:whatever go back to sleep
by poCkadotslotz June 2, 2010
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one of the most disgusting foods in the world. It consits of:

Raw meat
over cooked vegeatbeals
cold pizza
a milk
The school lunch made Kelly sick, so she sued the lunch ladies for every penny they had
by poCkadotslotz July 25, 2009
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reason why so many spouses are killing each other
because Kim husband died, she gets a total $100,000 of life insurance . While her husband is decomposing in the grown, she is spending the money and is geting plastic surgery.
by poCkadotslotz February 22, 2010
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something that doesn't look to bright right now.
Our future doesn't look bright right now. And that's real sad
by poCkadotslotz April 27, 2010
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