1 definition by pigfarts_student

A performing arts middle school in the North Thurston School district in Lacey, WA. Home of Mr. Garrett's Happy Tests, Challenge(d) Academy, and the feared Evil Dragon Lady as well as the Traber. Also known as Assfire. the stereotypical student here is a gay prep who plays 12 instruments and would be beat up the moment they went to a regular, non-magnet school, but the students are usually just regular kids who happen to be interested in Theatre, Music and Dance. theres a lot of assholes ,douchbags and aspiring actresses here too, though
Nisqually Student: Whoa, that kid is carrying like 3 cases, has a rolling backpack and is READING!must be from Aspire Middle School! let's go jump him before he starts making out with us!
Chinook Student: YEAH!
Aspire Student 1: wow look at that dumb nisqually kid. he has no talent. its sad, isnt it?
Student 2: i agree. lets help him the Aspire Middle School way and write a sonata, shall we?

Real Dealio:
Aspire Student 1: OMG did u watch SNL lastnight? ITS MY DICK IN A BOX!

Student 2: Sorry i couldnt. i was at baseball practice. ill watch it tonight tho.
1: coolio. (randomly burst into song)
by pigfarts_student December 16, 2010
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