1 definition by pascalziffhume

Dave Matthews Band is a talented band that took root in Charlottesville, Virginia during the early nineties. Known for astonishing live performances, the band grew a cult following as diverse as the members, themselves. Word first spread of the “tripping billies” from Virginia through bootleg live recordings and counter-counter music festivals in 92. Featuring a discography that expands on every emotion, the blend incorporates a mix of jazz, folk, and jam-band. Benefiting from classically educated musicians, the mind-expanding arrangements have inspired music majors and instructors alike. The setlist is changed every night, meaning the band has dozens of intricate songs on memory, allowing 4 day-weekend performances. Though the band’s personalities are charming, humble and inclusive, trendhumpers go out of their way to piss on these guys. For some, it’s an intolerance of all things masculine; for others, hatred is fueled by the stereotypes of DMB followers. One critique being how bland, stupid and generic the band is-for this crowd, two radio edits are enough to ignore the 50+ other gems. Don’t be surprised if the david bowie loyalist in the purple v-neck quotes pitchfork media as a means of establishing his or her supremacy over your twelve years as a school-instructed musician. When defending Dave, speak of how eco-friendly the band is and moved on-you were deemed bro from the start but planted a little dave seed, you may have.
Hipster: Hey man, what you listening to?

Cellist: The Dave Matthews Band! I just got their ne...

Hipster: O no, bro (walks away)
by pascalziffhume January 19, 2011
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