2 definitions by palonious

The generation of people born between X and Y, because shit gets real crazy here!
A person goes to their family reunion, and can't hang out with their aunts/uncles nor their nieces/nephews I'm so Gen XY, I don't understand anyone here! I'm going home!
by palonious May 13, 2019
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the person in your group that usually gets the party crackin, and keeps the party crackin. Without this person you can sit for hours bored wondering where this person is. This person typically is a snake because they use the technique, "Master of Manipulation" to convince everyone around them to do things, even if they don't want to do it!
Paul: Where's Shabang?
Haji: I dunno, where that snake is!
Paul: What you doin later on?
Haji: I dunno, what's Shabang doin?
Paul: I dunno. What's crackin' tonight?
Haji: I dunno. Call Shabang and see what he's doin.
Paul: OK
by palonious July 29, 2007
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