2 definitions by originalsinz69

Is code for smoking good marijuana when you don't want others to know.
I can't wait to get home and have some LUNG CANDY.
Instead of saying, "I can't wait to smoke pot".

When i get off work i need some medical LUNG CANDY.

Dick told Jane to bring home some LUNG CANDY.

Instead of, Happy 420 Day

Naughty LiL Secret on Kasidie loves LUNG CANDY.
by originalsinz69 October 12, 2010
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CARROT-TOPPED: Is when a girl on her menstural period rubs her pussy on your head scalp after you perform oral on her..red wings.
Dick loved being "Carrot Topped" by Jane every time aunt flow came to town.

Jane loved to give all the boys "carrot tops" once a week every month.
by originalsinz69 March 7, 2010
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