3 definitions by okenter

Derived from the common mispelling of 'the'.

1. The non-existant malady that one cathces by being around homosexuals (males especially).

2. Term used mostly by those denegrating anti-homosexual positions of religious leaders and far-right wing politicians.
"Yo, John went to San Fransisco and caught 'teh gay'!"

"The Governor wants to prohibit homosexual couples from being foster kids? He must think they'll catch 'teh gay' or something! LOL!"
by okenter June 21, 2005
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The non-existant malady that one catches by being around homosexuals (males especially).
"Yo, John went to San Francisco, and now he has a boyfriend; he must have caught the gay!"
by okenter June 21, 2005
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A sharp headache-like pain caused by eating or drinking something cold too quickly. See also ice cream headache.
"I drank an entire slushie in just a few seconds, and I got the most horrible brain freeze ever!"
by okenter July 30, 2005
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