1 definition by o-dawg

the grossest thing in exsistance. red faced, short, kandi kid, usually looks liek 'it' is about to goto a rave. the/a nugget doesnt have a gender, and it to be referred as 'it'. its so ugly, you will lose your appitite, to be serious. my friend was eating saw it...and put his food down. be carful, nuggetsor sometiems referred to as nug,m are known for carrying dieases sucha as; herpies, warts, scabbies, pubic lice, cancer, aids. if you get touched by the nugget, chances are, you have cancer, or will turn to stone. ohh and the nugget, is usually aphilitated with baboonaphile
o-dawg:"oh gross look its the nugget!"
quinn: "oh where?"
*looks* **pukes**
by o-dawg March 26, 2007
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