1 definition by nutjobplanet

Locals are the general population who make cultural decisions for everyone. Locals decide which generic movie to give $1 billion to in the box office, whichever braindead manufactured music “artist” to hype, to hype popular TV shows like The Office or Friends (not that they’re bad, they’re just overhyped by locals). Monthly, locals see new memes that stans started, thanks to locals it blows up to over 100k likes/RTs and gets repetitive/ unfunny.

Locals are less manic, less obsessed versions of fans/ stans because they’re a bandwagon—a mob. If a celebrity or social media influencer is problematic or toxic & gets called out locals will say “cancel culture is toxic”, “people are so sensitive nowadays”, “it was so many years ago”. Locals don’t have the range on any social issues. Locals are confused in knowing if Jeffree Star saying the n-word is that bad, if Ariana’s or Kim K’s fake tan is blackface, if Chris Brown & R.Kelly are abusers/predators, if Cardi B is transphobic, if Eminem is homophobic or if Drake/Post Malone/Miley aren’t culture vultures, etc. Locals keep superficial vanity alive as the standard then they complain about “making stupid people famous”, “I’m born in the wrong generation”, “music nowadays sucks”, “everyone is naked now & has plastic surgery”. I personally believe locals are mentally stuck being shallow vessels in life since their favorite catchphrase is “it’s not that deep”.
We’re not locals but hating on trendy, popular things is not a personality trait. You’re not that edgy! You’re fake woke, you’re a fake deep sjw.
by nutjobplanet April 24, 2019
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