1 definition by numbertwo

A mythical creature known to occasionally visit corporate offices. Directors thrive upon the professionalism and professional attire of all employees of the offices, and as such, several notices are issued in advance of a director's arrival for people to be on their best behavior. Directors, however, are quite elusive - despite an employee's best behavior and finest dress, these efforts are often in vain, as directors do not desire to go slumming with the commonfolk. A director's smile is known to result in rapid career advancement. Ironically, the most common instance of a director's smile is from employee termination.
There is a director coming to the office. Business casual is still appropriate, but please consider dressing in your most professional business casual attire. (i.e. shirts tucked in, sleeves not rolled up, consider shoe choice)
by numbertwo June 10, 2009
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