3 definitions by not-for-peepee

The mess and craziness of a meth addict's living space.
Bobby had a Tina Tornado roll through her apartment. Damn, dat bitch is a mess! She'd better get her cracky ass in rehab.
by not-for-peepee August 1, 2009
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A nebulous term for a company that makes websites, but uses a fancy name to justify a higher bill rate.
I just got a kick azz website on the interwebz by overpaying some hipsters at an interactive agency to make me a flashy .com.
by not-for-peepee March 12, 2010
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A cult where you go to be told to pray to God or doorknobs to treat your disease of substance use disorder. Sometimes courts even order people to go to this religious cult.

Studies show that their disease goes in remission 5% of the time while attending AA. Also, studies show that people stop drinking or using other drugs 5% of the time anyway.
My doctor said I have a disease called substance use disorder. He suggested I go to a group to pray called AA.

I’m glad that when I had diabetes he didn’t tell me to go to a fucking prayer group full of degenerates.
by not-for-peepee May 18, 2021
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