7 definitions by noodlehead

noun--It sounds like eight o'clock, but it is definitely much later. Like 3 or 4 in the morning late.
"Oh fuck! It's already late o'clock and I still haven't eaten supper."
by noodlehead January 11, 2005
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(gras'-roots sti'-ul)

adjective--something that is done grassroots style is something that nobody cares about but for some reason I don't stop saying it. Usually its something that is actually funny, and in these cases maybe 2 other people would care about it. Anything labeled as grassroots style is probably not something that you would bother mentioning on a college application or job resumé.
I'm going to make grassroots style an actual description, and I'll do it grassroots style!!"
by noodlehead December 15, 2004
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(oht'-meal kra'-kurrs)

noun--They don't exist, but they sound seriously good.
"Pass me some of those oatmeal crackers...after you invent them."
by noodlehead January 11, 2005
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noun--One of the members of the greatest band in the world "Persistent W." The composer of the Greatest Song in the World, also called "Bears and Moose."
"Hey Spener, 'Bears and Moose' truely is the greatest song in the world."
by noodlehead January 11, 2005
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noun--bacon; this used to be an obsolete definition but we are bringing it back grassroots style.
"Yes!!! I just won 236.237 pounds of tensure playing a kick-ass number guessing game!!"
by noodlehead December 15, 2004
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noudjictive*--A cross between hungry and basketball, but NOT, as many people mistakenly believe, a cross between Hungary and basketball because Hungarians clearly do not play basketball.

*noudjictive is a cross between a noun and an adjective

Example provided by zimmerzimmmerzimmerdown?
"Man, I'm so hungasketball right now!!"
by noodlehead December 15, 2004
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noun--To be honest, I don't even know about this one. It's a type of person, I know that much. You might say "He is a cocksmoke" but never "I found a cocksmoke in this drawer."
"He is a cocksmoke."
by noodlehead December 15, 2004
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