30 definitions by nobody.22

Simp and Street shitter.

His hobbies include eating curry, poop on the streets and begging for women's attention.
Person1: Who's this guy who poop on the street and looks like a bolivian.

Person2: That's shitshoy
by nobody.22 January 21, 2023
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Fat guy who like to use gay snapchat filters.

His hobbies include drinking vodka, eating fast food, and talking shit.
Person1:_Hey look, a russian fat guy talking shit.

Person2: Ah, that's SteelFoil
by nobody.22 January 19, 2023
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Omersexual will make a delicious kebab for you!

Hey Omersexual get back to work and prepare kebab for him you lazy cunt!
When you say kebab please is time to Omersexual get back to work!
by nobody.22 February 14, 2023
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Depressed woman who got dumped by her ex boyfriend.

She always begs for attention and no one really knows her real age.
Crazy woman dumped by her ex BF? She its an AuroraRevenge
by nobody.22 January 21, 2023
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Ilegal immigrant and zoophile.
He's not english , he's pakijack .
by nobody.22 January 4, 2023
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