20 definitions by nightlifecommando

The singular form of the word dice

It is a play on how mouse is the singular form of the plural mice, yet die is the singular form of dice.
Toss me the douse you scandalous wench!
by nightlifecommando July 27, 2010
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When a guitarist drops the low E string down to a D, usually implying he's about to look like an ass playing power chords.

This, however, excludes D Standard tuning, where the guitarist will also drop the B string to an A, and the top E string to a D as well.
Judgmental Person A - "Hey, this guy sucks at guitar. But let's stay and watch anyways for the fun of it."

Judgmental Person B - "I know dude right?"

Judgmental Person C - "Oh damn, he's dropping the D. I can't wait to see this."
by nightlifecommando June 12, 2010
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One meaning for "LMS" is an acronym for like my status, which can be used in one of the many recent Facebook trends where someone will post something (specified in the status) to your wall if you like their status.
LMS and ill make up a lie about you to improve your confidence
by nightlifecommando January 20, 2011
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To get QED'd is to be owned, pwned, or proven wrong in an argument setting.

See QED for clarification on its meaning.
Person 1 - "Dude, I hear Person 3 totally QED'd you when you were arguing yesterday"
Person 2 - "Yeah, it turned out that Pamela Anderson does have bigger tits than my mom."
by nightlifecommando August 17, 2010
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To snubstitute is to non-consensually replace something that belongs to another person with something of lesser value.

Likewise, a snubstitute teacher is a substitute teacher that is actually more annoying than your regular teacher.
1) "Jimmy snubstituted my Coke for Diet Coke again, what the hell?"

2) "Mrs. K is horrible I hate her. She's more like a snubstitute teacher."
by nightlifecommando February 18, 2011
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when you put toothpaste on your nipples and it makes you high

also known as "pasting"
john and i were toothpasting when my parents weren't home and he almost passed out
by nightlifecommando May 7, 2012
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