20 definitions by nightlifecommando

An expression of either great pleasure or great frustration.

To do the gesture, you should first open your hands in front of them with their palms facing upwards. After that, wiggle just your fingers. That's how you do the upside down keyboard.
-Good upside down keyboard-
My favorite band, Grown Ups, are playing ten minutes away on my birthday, * performs upside down keyboard*

-Bad upside down keyboard-
Player 1: Checkmate.
Player 2: *performs upside down keyboard*
by nightlifecommando June 17, 2011
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A funt so funtiful that it can be compared to the magnitude of an elephant.
Dude A - "I heard Josefina has a mad funt, is that true?"

Dude B - "Bro, it's not just a funt, it's an elephunt."
by nightlifecommando March 24, 2011
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The section of Yahoo Answers where trolls run rampant, fangirls gather, idiots are bountiful, and intelligent people flee.

And then there are the regs. The regs are those who choose to stay. Kind of like that creepy dude in the house in War of the Worlds who didn't run away. He just stayed in his house. Weirdo.

The regs do not have initiation, they don't have a special list, they are just the regs. There are the few that have been here for over three years, the many that have been here for a year or two, and the plenty that are joining every month.

It is one of the most interesting of the Yahoo Answers categories. It harbors trolls, hatred, drama, among everything else you might find in The Hills.

Rock and Pop is a place to (not really but in a sense, yes) be with others who hate the world as much as you do and listen to similar music. It is not a hobby. It is a lifestyle. Rock and Pop.
Shouldn't Rock and Pop be in separate categories?
by nightlifecommando August 9, 2010
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Those emo-ish bands with the twinkly guitars and the hoarse vocals. Twinkle daddies.

CSTVT, Midwest Pen Pals, Algernon Cadwallader, TWIABP, Merchant Ships, etc.
You oughta listen to Malegoat. They're the raddest twinkle daddies in all of Japan.
by nightlifecommando June 6, 2011
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A book that one would typically buy at an airport that is read just to pass the time on the flight, not because of actual interest.

Examples would most books by James Patterson, Nelson DeMille, and Dan Brown.
Person 1: "Ooh, The Gate House sounds good, my co-workers talk about Nelson DeMille a lot! I think I'll get this one!"

Person B: "That's just an airplane novel, you won't ever touch it again once we get into Chicago."
by nightlifecommando January 6, 2011
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The amount of net dollars you own is how much money you have after factoring in how much money you owe people and how much money is owed to you.
Alright class, today's math problem:
You have twelve dollars in your wallet and none in your bank account. If owe Jerry seven dollars for buying you condoms, and Greg owes you ten dollars for spotting him for his girlfriend, how many net dollars do you own?
by nightlifecommando February 19, 2011
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When horrible, anal-related things occur to you in the morning.

Also see: Anal Mourning
Mike - "Dude, this is one hell of an Anal morning."

Evan - "I know, I'm in a state of anal mourning right now."
by nightlifecommando May 30, 2010
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