14 definitions by nev

pair of breasts that grabs attention. not always attractive can also be unusual in shape or size.
"Holy shit man, check out that fine ass bitch's norks for fucks snakes! She'd get it" or "No way man, look at those saggy norks on that fat cunt eating a pie over there! oiiii,who ate all the pies ya fat bitch"!
by nev April 11, 2005
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vulg. sl.: General exclamation indicating disbelief, boredom, etc., at someone overweight.
You reckon Arsenal are going to win? Fuck you chubby!
by nev November 9, 2003
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Strange queer man who attends Girraween High in Sydney. Frequently used as a deadly insult.
by nev June 10, 2003
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1.Person/s that demonstrates all the qualities of being a douche so well, they could in fact be a deity among douches.
2.The lord and messiah of all douches.
that guy is one douchelord
by nev October 29, 2004
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