26 definitions by name

someone who is used for sex and only sex
by name February 7, 2003
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Cross between 3 dog hairs and a mailbox
One time I saw a PacDeath and it ate my legs
by name August 22, 2003
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(The highly under-rated, and extremely rarely seen original Japanese version) A cool show.

(English version) A pile of shit. 90% (and that's like, millions) of people who are Dragonball fans suck. People see this childish, lame, poor, raped version automatically think the whole show sucks, thus, so many anti-DB people. And since these people are quick-to-judge, small-minded and ignorant, they judge something they have never seen and know nothing about on a completely different version (the English version).
Ever since the release of Dragonball Z in America, I've felt shamed.
by name March 21, 2003
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A battle cry most often heard during the fall Football season where it strikes fear into the hearts of any football team unfortunate enough to be against the Auburn Tigers.
by name September 25, 2004
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Atlanta, Georgia. Used by ghetto retards that are trying to abbreviate Atlanta but are too dumb, drunk, high, or a combination of the three to realize that ATL and Atlanta have the same amount of syllables.
Yo, I is livun in da ATL fo sho.
Translation: I'm a dumbass.
by name June 16, 2004
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heartfelt hardcore punk rock with the same agressiveness and intensity.
Hot Water Music is an example of an emocore band.
by name December 3, 2003
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the best city in the world

Everyone wants to be in the T-Dot
by name March 9, 2003
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