4 definitions by mozelle58

1. (v) to solicit for money on the street in lieu of working; to beg
2. (n) a long, slender projection from a larger parcel of land as delineated on a map
1. He panhandles passersby daily at Union Square and has only been arrested twice.
2. The panhandle of Florida is also known as the Redneck Riviera.
The panhandle of Oklahoma is in the middle of Tornado Alley.
by mozelle58 September 1, 2003
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a male spinster wtih feminine qualities (chiefly New Orleans)
Uncle Leslie was considered by many a ginnywoman as he had no wife, five sets of china, feather curtains and a houseful of Chihuahuas.
by mozelle58 June 6, 2004
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"How dumb do they think I am?" thought the new teacher as she surveyed her new pupils. "Do they think I fell off the turnip truck yesterday?"
by mozelle58 June 6, 2004
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