3 definitions by motleyfuel

Following shrecked and shreck two'ed, an event in which the affected person is heavily under the influence of alcohol and marijuana, and proceeds to defecate on someone's chest, preferably at a party.
Jesus, dude. You missed a real shitshow last night - Katherine was Shreck the Third. She crapped all over Christian's chest!
by motleyfuel January 7, 2009
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Similar to shrecked, under the influence of both alcohol and marijuana to such a degree that the user experiences a lack of control over his or her actions as well as a complete memory wipe the next morning.
Oh man, I got so Shreck Two'ed last night. I woke up in a puddle of puke in some ugly bitch's bed!
by motleyfuel January 7, 2009
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Completely wasted; under the influence of alcohol to such a degree that one attempts to perform ridiculous feats and/or passes out nude in the living room at a party.

A combination of the words "shwasted" and "wrecked."
Were you watching Katherine at that party last night? She was so shrecked she was making out with guys!
by motleyfuel January 7, 2009
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