2 definitions by monae.marie

Somebody that you still care and share alot in common with & hang around alot with. You can trust this person with secrets and goof off with this person. This person is someone who doesn't go off and tell everyone your most embarrassing stuff. This person this person isn't a best friend but is a great friend.

look up best friend
bully- hey, youre fat, ugly, and are a f**king retard.
person getting bullied-(crying)
friend- hey, get away from my friend you freak or else!!!!

a friend stands up for other friends.
i have "friend" but not a real one yet. i hope people reading This can find a real friend who doesn't act or pretend.
by monae.marie November 6, 2012
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When one has a penis and vagina together as one. (Like a transexual)
Pronounced vuh-gee-niss
So last night on out honey moon, I found out my wife had a vagenis.......
by monae.marie January 6, 2015
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