3 definitions by mohhs

The implementation or imposition of a particular event such that particles transmitted at computer B are the same the electoral devotion opposed by Queen Victoria the 4th.
Darkest Man:" the radiography of the government hasn't really been working because the cline members of the inanation haven't really.... the volcanoes and stuff"
by mohhs February 2, 2020
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A wise reference reminding us that things don't always go as planned.
Person A: " yo come gym at 10. "
Person B: " I'll try, but remember, gang aft agley. "
Person A: " true, you know what, make it 11. "
by mohhs September 2, 2021
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Anwar: "my mohhs wha you saying?"
mohhs:"You what do you mean by mohhs?, you man waffling too much these days"
by mohhs October 13, 2019
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