8 definitions by miosis

One who uses way more than enough junk or heroin to maintain a proper existance.
Bill said Mikey the hat was the biggest junk hog on the East Coast, but I think it is Sammy the Jam.
by miosis March 21, 2006
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any tool or object that can be used like MacGyver did his Swiss Army Knife.
Dawg, picked up a laser and fixed up the truck.
by miosis March 5, 2004
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when you had bling and you lost it.
Dawg, he got blung.
by miosis March 5, 2004
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to squirt heroin that has been "cooked up" into your nose for whatever reason.
Dawg,that guy shebang'ed his skag cuz his rig was shot.
by miosis March 5, 2004
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losing control from the induced vibrations in a skateboard. Due to traveling too fast as in "down a hill" with loose trucks.
Dawg, I was waffling like a mutha on that road back there... almost lost control completely.
by miosis August 22, 2004
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