58 definitions by mick

A person brought up in an awseome town. They usually kick ass at everything they do.
Man, I suck at life! I wish I could be a Webo.
by mick November 15, 2004
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To purposely do sweet F A, fill in time, drag out a day at work.
lets jus mange,
What are yous doin? jus mangin'
by mick June 15, 2006
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A fly chick. Simular to the usage of "dime piece."
"Yo Son, I had this HAMSTER back in the day - she was fly as hell kidddd."
by mick March 10, 2004
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A person (usually a girl) with a: hot ass, ugly face
Damn, she looked fine. But when she turned around, I was dissappointed to she that she was a HAUF.
by mick November 21, 2004
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The study of the 'nether regions' and all other unsanitary manouveres and procedures involving the reproductive organs.
"hey jamie did u do ur rocket science homework on premature ejaculation?".
by mick October 15, 2004
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