43 definitions by maxzilla

a good interjection for when someone is talking about something you don't want to hear about, or when you can't think of something to say. sounds almost like a duck when said.
#1: so then I saw funny colored puss coming out of my dick and...
#2: mak mak mak mak! on to more not-STD related crap.
by maxzilla June 22, 2003
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when you go nuts from sitting in one place too long, like when you get fidgety at the end of a 3 hour lecture. charicterized by repeating the same task over and over, fussing over everything, and percieving the clock as moving in slow motion.
i cant take this anymore, the class is another 10 minutes to go. I'm going stir crazy!
by maxzilla April 12, 2005
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in Half life and it's various mods, a stupid cheating asshole who cant play fair, but gets killed even while hacking the game. also an insult to anyone who isn't hacking but is kicking you ass.
stfu you fucking haxsor!
by maxzilla June 21, 2003
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sportscaster for espn and the olympics. he is fiendishly evil, and has crushed whole contries with his paralyzing fear teqnique.
"dont go to athens, $2Bn on security is not enough, lets crush their economy!"
by maxzilla March 27, 2005
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