5 definitions by matterri

An extra hairy pear-shaped testicle sac. Usually noticed during close inspection via sex partners.
Ellie: “I hooked-up with Jay last night. Saw him at the club, we had a good time, so I followed him home.”
Jen: “How was it?”
Ellie: “Weird. While we were 69ing, he thrusted up and smacked me in the eye with his Hairy Pear.

Jen: “Ouch!”
by matterri October 8, 2017
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The act of scrounging the pantry, the frig or the seat cushions in order to find enough morsels to make up a meal. Based on the popular television show.
Man, potted meat, Vienna sausages and a half a pack of Ramen. We need to get some cash, these Survivor Lunches are killing me!
by matterri August 6, 2010
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Discovering not long after leaving the bathroom from dropping a hot, steamy "deuce" that you're not quite done yet. Kinda like how grunting out a monster turd opens the floodgates.
John: "Okay, Let's head out and grab a beer."

Jason: "Hold up. I gotta hit the Thunderdome."

John: "You were just in there for like 10 minutes dude!"

Jason: "Yeah, I know. I gotta make a Curtain Call."
by matterri September 14, 2016
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Someone you wouldn't tell a lie to, no matter how far-fetched the story may be.
Jason: I hooked up with Miss Kramer, our old teacher from sixth grade!

Barry: No fucking way dude! You gotta be shittin me.

Jason: I wouldn't shit you brah. You're my favorite turd.
by matterri September 23, 2016
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Being constipated due to being forced to hold back to keep from shitting your pants... And class just started.

Not to be confused with "Vapor Lock "
Louis: Hey Jason! What do you say about going out, have a beer or two?

Jason: I can't tonight. I got horrible stomach cramps because I was afraid I would "Shart" in gym class. I think I held it a little too long and now I have a "turd lock"."
by matterri April 24, 2017
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