4 definitions by marshmallowmayty

Verb: To take a massive duke in a females vagina only to stomp it "on in der" in the same way as a regular waffle stomp.
Last night me and my girl where doing the dew when she got bored of the hot cosby, so? i gave her a vaginal waffle stomp!
by marshmallowmayty April 11, 2019
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Verb: when you are losing a fight and you have no other options. ~Retaliation disco slam dancing~ start flailing your arms and legs in any way to flop either into, or away from your enemy.
by marshmallowmayty April 12, 2019
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1. A male or female who likes to have intercourse with a stuffed animal.
2. A male or female who collects used diapers in a drawer for months on end.
3. A faggot.
4. Someone who is obsessed with sea life or amusement park rides.
5. Someone who generally has friends that are better than them
6. has an obsession of DOLEANS.
Ew you collect diapers? your such a squid corn.
by marshmallowmayty November 14, 2015
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