4 definitions by manee

A mobile phone app to get free STDs and other fancy venereal diseases from desperate weirdos around your area.
Dumb girls: lets go on tinder to get us some herpes from that guy living up the street.
by manee September 25, 2014
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I have a question

Workplace jargon mostly used on tools like slack when you don’t want type the entire sentence.
On slack: ihaq, when do I get out of here?
by manee February 22, 2019
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A beautiful country in the Middle-East and is not nothing like Iraq, though a lot of people think it is a desert.
Not a good place to drink beer or get laid by hott bitches, but definitely a nice place to own a salon and cut peoples unibrows off.
People from Iran are often called towelheads, but they are not arab.
The Iranian boy was called a towelhead and told that he should go back to Iraq. He replied to this racist comment by saying "Shut up you stupid piece of poop, before I attack you with my super unibrow!
by manee November 3, 2005
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Going out with a friend's ex girlfriends after they broke up.
ME: I just broke up with Jen
Friend: Nice, I am gonna ask her out
ME: Go ahead, enjoy my off-cuts
by manee October 22, 2014
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