1 definition by maidenofthemoor

A friend is someone with whom you share the fondest of memories....but those that only you will understand .... exchanging mugs of coffee three doors down, a time share cat named Joseph, on the road telephone conversations into the night,cooking Christmas turkey, tequila shooters, and When Harry Met Sally.
A friend is someone that you can snuggle into on the couch and laugh and cry and talk, or do nothing at all.
A friend is someone who is honored with the title of best friend and will always hold it, even though circumstances change around them, time grows scarce, lives grow busy, minds grow forgetful and the opportunities for that closeness are not as available anymore.
A friend breathes deeper and diverse meanings into the word love.
A friend is someone who is always held close in the heart no matter the distance between three houses.
When considering together the earth's gravitational pull, both the quantum theory and the theory of relativity and the sound waves emitted by good and not so good (but nastalgic all the same) 80s music i can quite boldly say....i miss my friend Ben.
by maidenofthemoor May 19, 2006
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