3 definitions by maaaannnn

The place where you probably left your VR headset
I can’t find my VR headset, I wanted to go to Cabo for an hour. It’s probably in the floom
by maaaannnn July 14, 2023
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The hour past which your brain does not function any more, despite how much you want it to. You have essentially turned into a pumpkin.
Hans: Aren't you going to finish your essay? Shits due tomorrow.

Alex: Naw its pumpkin hour I've just been typing the word fuck for ten minutes
by maaaannnn February 23, 2010
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A flexible word, like Fuck, it can be used like ‘that slaps’, but also can be used in a shady sense to refer to the fake-ass yoga-pant-wearing style common with Karens
What’s that?
-Tangerine Seltzer. Shit squats

I heard you got HPV?
-Yeah, fucking squats
by maaaannnn January 27, 2021
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