1 definition by lickme108

1. A person of the male gender that is rude and unworthy of a females time.

2. Usually talks in such a way that tries to be ghetto.

3. Someone who does not admit to having a thing with a female until that female kisses another male causing the "bee" to get extrememly furious and declare things are over when really they are not.

4. One who is very immature and thinks he is "the shit"-(amazing and better than the rest)

5. Insecure about himself because he has to lie to get attention.
ex: definition 2:

bee- "that is pinner" "over like drake" "stay gold" etc...

ex: definition 5:

bee hooked up with females on vaca in hawaii....LIE
by lickme108 August 21, 2010
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