1 definition by league_of_legends_fanatic_1234

One of over 70 playable Champions from League of Legends. Fiddlesticks's abilities are TERRIFY, which causes the target to run around uncontrollably, DRAIN, which deals magic damage per second to the target and gives it to Fiddlesticks as health, DARK WIND, which silences a target and bounces to a nearby enemy up to 10 times, and CROWSTORM, which takes a 2-second channeling duration before teleporting to target location with a swarm of damaging crows around him. Fiddlesticks is an Ability Power champion and therefore, is quite fragile if you don't build him defensively.
Agh, Fiddlesticks just killed me with his Crowstorm+Flash+Terrify+Drain+Exhaust combo!!
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