15 definitions by layout420

A devise used to Scuba Dive (usually a hand held pipe). Bongs, hookas, bublers, gravity bongs, or any other devises are also masks. The Oxygen is packed and the mask is ready to commense Scuba Diving.
(VanderBowls are suggested when using masks)
Don't forget your nuts can with your masks in it. We NEED those!
Yo Chris, i got a sick ass mask at the shell around the corner.
by layout420 December 12, 2006
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Someone that acts like a stoner but has not officially crossed into pro stonerdom.
Anyone that Scuba Dives on a regular basis but doesn't have those insane connects, doesn't smoke correctly, doesn't have a piece and uses zebra pens, or doesn't have have a clue about stoner etiquette.
Those freshmen are such amerature stoners. I just told them i had got some dank, and they said "Oh, you got that seedless T-Rock?"
by layout420 December 17, 2006
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A code word meaning smoking weed. Scuba divers dive down deep beneath the surface of soberness into the depths of the ocean to explore the coral reefer.
Hey man, guess what?! I went Scuba Diving With Jim And Honore' the other day!!
Scuba Diving makes you faster.
by layout420 December 11, 2006
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A code word meaning smoking weed. Scuba divers dive down deep under the surface of soberness into the depths of the ocean to explore the coral reefer.
Me and watts are going to Scuba Dive after school. wanta come with us?
by layout420 December 9, 2006
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The code of ethical behavior among pro stoners.
1) Do not nigger lip.
2) If everyone smoking takes one hit, don't puff puff puff puff... pass. Unless you are black(if you are black, stoner etiquette does not aply to you)
3) Don't pack Kellbowls. Pack VanderBowls! Especially if it is a special occasion. (ex: concerts, parties, Q-zar, ultimate, relly any time you smoke is a special occasion)
4) Don't blow out the bowl before you ask someone if it's cashed. changes are that you are too high to tell and getting someone else's opinion is always a good idea. Also, don't pass someone a cashed bowl without saying anything. He will get ashed
5) Do not smoke in someone's house or car without getting prior aproval.
6) Always corner. never scorch the Oxygen. it is a waste.
7) Whoever owns the weed being smoked gets the honorary first hit. Whoever owns the piece/rolled gets the second hit.
8) Don't skip someone or change direction in the middle of smoking.
9) Never smoke someone else's weed without asking. This is the biggest Kell move ever. Even amerature stoners are expected to know this.
10) Don't hold the piece/joint/blunt when telling a story. every one is more concerned about smoking that your stupid story. No one will remember what you said anyways so just hit that shit and pass it man.
You skipped me. What are you thinking? Do you have no idea about stoner etiquette?
Kell moves are never in keeping with stoner etiquette.
by layout420 January 2, 2007
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Tobacco. Code for tobacco in cigarettes or loose tobacco.
I Got Cought Scuba Diving. now i have to swich my Oxygen tank to one with Nitrogen.
by layout420 December 10, 2006
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A legendary figure on the north side of Atlanta. a bongo playing Scuba Diving guy, Bongo man is known by thousands to be a regular at Cocaine Lane.
I hung out with Bongo Man last night. It was crunk!
Bongo man got a new bongo. he let ME play it.
by layout420 December 17, 2006
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