14 definitions by laurab193

Unexpected foul-tasting oral contents. Usually fluid.
The warm liquid was so unexpectedly foul-tasting that she almost spat it on to the dinner table; it was a real Bemuse Bouche.
by laurab193 May 8, 2011
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Unexpected (and inappropriate) sexual climax following a particularly pleasurable cuddle
Karl "Did you see the Shamefaced Embrace between Pete and Candice last night?"

John "Yeah, he came in his pants for sure, what a tool"
by laurab193 May 8, 2011
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When you are so off your tits you will put anything in your gob.
Jackie "Urrgh crap, I feel so sick this morning"

Jude "That's no surprise dear, given your Obliviation diet last night. You were so wasted you munched your way through five bags of pork scratchings, a half-eaten kebab off the street, a used napkin, a random fella's cock on the bus on the way home and a tub of Vaseline"
by laurab193 May 8, 2011
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A level of inebriation causing women to think they are excellent at singing and that will inevitably lead to them choking on a large fleshy microphone later that evening
Frank "Oh crap, Julie's doing her Lady Ga Ga impression again"

Karl "Karechokey; you should be pleased....."
by laurab193 May 8, 2011
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When the novelty of using public transport with a group of friends makes you act like an utter fool; like your brain has been transplanted for that of a 2 year old
Susan "The bus ride into town was so embarrassing, it was as if the five of us had had a Public Transplant"
by laurab193 May 8, 2011
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When a great night is being had by all except one, who is so utterly wankered that he/she has to be taken home early for fear that they may shit themselves
Steve "Urrrgh, I don't remember anything from last night"

John "I'm not surprised, you'd polished off a whole bottle of vodka by 10.30pm and Pete had to carry you home as you looked like you were going to lose faecal continence again"

Pete "Yeah, what a Party Poopster, I was all set to pull that bird with the massive rack, you git"
by laurab193 May 8, 2011
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The last dance of the evening where a lady has removed her knickers beforehand to provide easy access in the event of scoring
Candice "There was a very savoury aroma in the club last night"

Susan "Oh, yes, I was doing the Mackerel Tango with Steve but he was having none of it"
by laurab193 May 8, 2011
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