4 definitions by kyoshira

music which is sometimes associated with the "goth" trend which is a same because it is great music. death metal has growling a earspliting vocals, fast drums and guitars. death metal seems less organized and rehearsed than normal music
by kyoshira November 27, 2004
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a robotic zombie like walking when under the influence of certain drugs. named after robotussin (DXM)
i was robotripping last night and my friends made fun of me doing the robowalk
by kyoshira January 1, 2005
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a drug probley comes from the word dopamine which is a chemical in the brain that is often effected when under the influence
ill suck your dick for some dope
by kyoshira December 19, 2004
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the effects of a psychedelic or hallcinogenic drug. (LSD,2-CB,PCP,DXM,DMT,K,psilosybin (shrooms), a million more)
"I got a flashback from my acid trip last night."

"I was trippin' off DMT a while ago."
by kyoshira November 27, 2004
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