10 definitions by ktrane

Mentally impaired. Someone who exhibits a low intellectual capacity. Also referred to as a retard(tard for short), mongoloid, or the commonly used medical term: window licker.
The tard brain went to the store to buy a new hockey helmet.
by ktrane May 24, 2007
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A mindless, mediocre action movie that was completely predictable from start to finish. Collin Ferrel is a turd burglar.
I went to see the movie S.W.A.T. and fell asleep in the movie theater. I woke up when the movie was over and still knew everything that happened.
by ktrane March 3, 2004
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A chunky stew-like soup consisting of chicken stock, vegetables, noodles, and baby.
"This baby soup tastes like chicken... ouch, I just bit into a finger bone."
by ktrane March 3, 2004
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The act of intercourse between two or more men.
Stephen and Todd had violent mantercourse on your couch last night. I probably won't sit there anymore.
by ktrane May 10, 2006
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An individual possessing enough nerd-like traits to qualify for "turbo" status. See nerd. A turbo nerd pushes the envelope on social ineptness. Use extreme caution in the handling of turbo nerds. They can snap at any time. See columbine.
Lloyd constantly curses and screams at himself while programming on his computer at work. It's very annoying and I want to smack him sometimes. He is a turbo nerd.
by ktrane March 9, 2004
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A typically obese woman with an intense love for varying types of bagels. Her and her pack will hoard a supply of bagels and leave only the healthy oat bran bagels for everyone else. They are also known to use an overabundance of cream cheese.
I really wanted an everything bagel, but the bagel hoarders got to the supply too early this morning.
by ktrane March 3, 2004
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A retarded person that isn't medically diagnosed retarded. This person's appearance, speech, and actions all reflect that of someone who is mentally slow... but for some reason they are able to function in society as a non-retarded person.
After the dick-sucking girl finished her sixth consecutive blowjob, she swallowed it down and the bobarto tongue-kissed her... tasting the remains of his six friends. What a bobarto.
by ktrane March 23, 2004
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