3 definitions by krapart

when you have a party on land, and it is dominated mainly by the male species, we call it a sausage fest.

but when the party is on a watercraft, and there is a distinct lack of the female species, then it becomes a banana boat.
DOUG: "hey, how was lake havasu spring break? you see a lot of hotties?"

FRED: "you would think so, but i think its getting played out. it was mostly banana boats out there..."
by krapart August 11, 2010
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a hipster who thinks they're better than everyone else because they recycle. often lectures other people on the environment without any valid information to back up their claims.
person1: "sally has turned into such an eco-hipster, i can't even talk with her anymore"

person2: "I know. the other day she lectured my for an hour about the oil spill, and then asked me to drive her the 3 blocks to the bus stop."
by krapart June 26, 2010
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an issue with a roomate related to their dirty dishes
Jon: So how's the new roomie?

Matt: I don't know how long its gonna last, this girl has major dishues. She has yet to wash a single plate of hers and last week she left a bunch of leftover indian food on the counter.

Jon: Ew.
by krapart July 17, 2010
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