1 definition by kindredspirited

A person who is many things, yet most of all, she is steadfast and wonderful! She may be quirky, whimsical, fun, hilarious, lucky, silly, driven, ambitious, intense, thoughtful, sister, daughter, friend, cousin, aunt, reality tv watcher, bicycle rider, reader, insecure, confident, traveler, educated, adventurous, daring, cautious, kind, hopeful, introverted, outgoing, wishful, hopeful, passionate, consistent, content, restless, sharing, selfish, crazy, cool, lovely, bad dancer, shower singer, excitable, smart, talented, stubborn... photographer and marathon trainee!

She is any and all of these things, one at a time or all at once.. these attributes are possessed by one so fabulous to be called... Macey.
I was feeling confused about my life, but then I had a Macey moment.
by kindredspirited February 3, 2010
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