10 definitions by kanapanapan

Probably the most hardcore classical composer to live. You think your screamo shit is "hardcore?" Then you have not heard of Shostakovich and your opinion is invalid.

Shostakovich was a genius who lived under the oppressive watch of the USSR; as a result, Shostakovich composed some of the most frightening music ever conceived by man.

His Symphony No. 5 and Symphony No. 10 are (arguably) his most badass pieces.
Richard: I hate classical. It's fucking boring.
Mark: You have clearly never heard of Shostakovich.
*After listening to the "Allegro" from Symphony 10*
Richard: Dude, my mind is blown.
by kanapanapan June 4, 2010
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Something that is completely cliche and artificial and exaggerated, as if ripped straight from a movie. Usually (but not always) "campy" is used to describe dialog that sounds cheesy and scripted.
Person A: Thank you so much!
Person B: Any decent person would have done it.
Person A: Then I don't know any decent people.
Person B: You do now.
*They kiss*
Person A: Wow... that was so campy.
by kanapanapan January 12, 2009
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for men: to trim one's facial hair; not necessarily to shave it, but keep it under control

for women: to clean up and shave one's pubic hair, perhaps into a landing strip or something cool like that.
My beard is a mess, I need to set aside a few minutes in order to tame the beast.
by kanapanapan December 10, 2010
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1. Sending a text message to the subject of your text, instead of the intended recipient.

2. Texting someone what's on your mind, as opposed to what you meant to say.
1. Me (to Alice): "Hey John, isn't Alice is a real bitch?"
Alice: "...What the fuck?"
Me: "Oops, Freudian text."

2. Me (to Alice): "Fuck you, lying whore."
Alice: "What?!?!"
Me: "Oops, Freudian text."
Alice: "...Again?!"
by kanapanapan August 25, 2010
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Going into a thrift store looking for random shit.
I went Goodwill hunting for some cheap polos yesterday.
by kanapanapan January 17, 2012
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Going into a thrift store looking for random shit.
I went Good Will hunting for some cheap polos yesterday.
by kanapanapan January 14, 2012
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A sexual fetish for Filipinos and indigenous Indonesians. A subset of yellow fever.
Person A: Is he really going out with her? She's not even that good looking.
Person B: Yeah, he definitely has burnt sienna fever.
by kanapanapan May 30, 2010
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